Welcome to the Grade 4/5 class blog.

When the students came back after the holiday, they were asked to respond to a question. The question was, "If you could change the world for the better, what would you change?"

There were many wonderful responses (e.g., stop war, more housing, recycle more...). So...we've been trying to explore how we can make changes for the better in our classroom community and we have been learning about people who did make a difference (e.g., Martin Luther King Jr., Ruby Bridges...).

This blog is a space where I'll be posting links to the videos that we watch in class. It's a space where I can share with parents the essence of some of the discussions that we have. It's also a space where I'll be posting some assignments and talking about some of the activities that we do.

We "have a dream" that our classroom community will be an exciting and compassionate space where the conversations will continue at home.

This blog is a work in progress. Over the next week or so, the format will gradually change.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Writing A Song With Katherine Wheatley!!!!!!!

Today we had our first songwriting session with Katherine Wheatley! The students considered a number of topics for our song (e.g., courage, compassion, poverty, weather...). They decided on Growing Up.
Here's a link that will take you to a Katherine Wheatley song on youtube:


During math, students worked on the following pages in the text:

Grade 4: p.238 & 239
Grade 5: p.230

If they did not complete the work, it was sent home for homework.
Yesterday we created "Battleship" games as we are exploring Coordinates through Grids & Maps.

The Science Test is on Friday! Students were given sheets on Friday that tell them what parts to study. The test will be multiple choice and fill in the blanks. Each day we are playing a game show in class where the students have to respond to trivia questions based on this content.