Welcome to the Grade 4/5 class blog.

When the students came back after the holiday, they were asked to respond to a question. The question was, "If you could change the world for the better, what would you change?"

There were many wonderful responses (e.g., stop war, more housing, recycle more...). So...we've been trying to explore how we can make changes for the better in our classroom community and we have been learning about people who did make a difference (e.g., Martin Luther King Jr., Ruby Bridges...).

This blog is a space where I'll be posting links to the videos that we watch in class. It's a space where I can share with parents the essence of some of the discussions that we have. It's also a space where I'll be posting some assignments and talking about some of the activities that we do.

We "have a dream" that our classroom community will be an exciting and compassionate space where the conversations will continue at home.

This blog is a work in progress. Over the next week or so, the format will gradually change.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Big Day!

As I write this I am surrounded by students excitedly awaiting their performance with Katherine Wheatley!

Tonight, in front of a gym full of people...they will sing the song that they wrote a few weeks ago! Today, they spent some time designing CD covers for their very own CD's!

This has been an amazing journey!

Also, we continue to learn about fractions. Today, we created individual envelopes full of homemade fraction strips. We will keep these in our sto help us solve probelms involving fractions and decimals.

I hope that everyone is having fun while working on their science projects!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Well...this is the first day that we've had in a while where we seem to be getting back into a routine!

We've started a new math unit! The students are now studying fractions & decimals! Today we rotated through a number of learning centres where students made fractions using a variety of manipulatives, played a music game, explored rounding on the computer and more!

We continued with our current novel studies! Students are preparing Q-Chart questions to explore their books with their groups tomorrow!

Mrs. Simon is teaching the class music right now! Today they practiced rhythms AND they used her big rope staff to find notes!

Also, the animal project assignment came home. This will be due next Tuesday! Bristol board will be coming home tomorrow! A few students couldn't find their jot notes today. They will be looking through their desks a little more thoroughly tomorrow for them!

Monday, February 7, 2011

The blog is back!

After two weeks of silence....the Grade 4/5 Class Blog is back!

First of all, I'd like to welcome our new student teacher Mrs. Simon to our classroom community!

During our speech unit, the students took a break from their science research projects. Today, we spent some time with them. We added to our jot notes! Later this week, the notes will be coming home for students to turn them into paragraphs for the project! They are finding out ALL SORTS of interesting things!

We have also been starting to practice cursive writing and typing skills to help students communicate more efficiently! Any practice that they can get with this at home would be beneficial!

The words of the week will be coming home tomorrow! Since we have just started our math unit on Fractions and Decimals, our words will be "math words". I am hoping that this will help students communicate their thinking in math more effectively!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Today, many students have read up to Chapter 4 in their novels! They a making a plasticine scuplture based on their reading. In their discussion groups, they will be explaining their sculpture to the group!

Students have been asked to practice their speeches tonight! I have sent home the marking sheet that will be used to evaluate their presentation! Every student will mark all of the presentations! There are some wonderful speeches! Most students are preforming on Thursday. However, many have chosen to go on Wednesday....and a few have chosen to present tomorrow! I can't wait!

In art, students are working on a "Contrast Piece". They need to use line and the colour wheel to help them with their designs. We will be finishing these tomorrow!

I would like to be known as a person who is concerned about freedom and equality and justice and prosperity for all people.

Rosa Parks

Friday, January 21, 2011

We recorded the song that we wrote with Katherine Wheatley today!

Most of the speeches are done and students have been practicing the presentation of their speeches- working on eye contact, gestures, volume and pacing! Students will be presenting them to the class on Wednesday and Thursday. Some students are really excited and they want to present on Tuesday! The homework tonight was to practice their speeches. Some students need to finish their speeches.

Skating was fun too!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Education is the most powerful "weapon" which you can use to change the world.
Nelson Mandela

Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Novels and Skating!

Tomorrow is the big day! We're going to record our song with Katherine Wheatley!

Here are the first few lines of the song:

People were scared about Y2K.
They didn't know we were coming their way.
The year 2000 was the year we arrived.
We're going to keep hope alive.

Don't forget to bring your skates and a helmet tomorrow! Skating is from 2:15-2:55!

The students have been given their new novel and have read two chapters! Please ask your child to summarize what has happened so far!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What happens when you push your wrists against a door frame for 1 minute?

Wow! There are some fantastic speeches! Most people have finished their jot notes and now we're going to spend the next two days writing the paragraphs and giving each other feedback! Way to go!

We won't be having a math quiz on Friday as we had our Geometry Quiz today!

Ask your child about our science experiments that we started today!